Springtime Maryland Maternity Session

It's a warm spring day in Maryland, the sun's rays are casting a warm glow over the landscape. It's the perfect day for Bre and Orlando's maternity photoshoot, and you know how tricky spring weather can be in Maryland so we got very lucky! With her radiant smile and baby bump in tow, Bre looks absolutely stunning. And Orlando? Well, let's just say he's beaming with pride and excitement since they are only a few weeks from meeting their little nugget of baby cuteness.

As a Maryland-based maternity photographer, I've had the privilege of capturing countless moments like these, where love, anticipation, and nature intertwine beautifully. It really was the most dreamy day to document the excitement between these two!

pregnant women holding hands with husband in field in maryland
pregnant couple hugs in field at maternity photoshoot in maryland
maternity photoshoot in carroll county maryland
pregnant women lays on blanket holding baby bump
pregnant women laughs as husband gives hug
pregnant couple walks together in field in maryland
pregnant couple walks together in field in maryland
pregnant couple laughs together in field in maryland
maternity photo of woman holding baby bump in field
maternity photo of woman holding baby bump in field with sun glow in eldersburg